Earlier this year, Himesh Reshammiya dropped the trailer of his upcoming film Badass Ravi Kumar. It surprisingly received a lot of love from the audience. As the film inches close to release, the singer-actor has dropped songs to pique excitement. Following the roaring success of Dil Ke Taj Mahal, Himesh Reshammiya surprises fans with the release of two new blockbuster tracks on the same day.
Himesh Reshammiya releases two songs of Badass Ravi Kumar
The songs, Hookstep Hookah Bar and Bazaar-e-Ishq, showcase distinct flavors and a heartwarming melody. Hookstep Hookah Bar is a peppy, upbeat track with infectious energy, while Bazaar-e-Ishq captivates with its heartwarming melody and emotional depth. Both songs highlight Himesh’s versatility as a composer, singer and an actor – catering to a wide range of musical tastes. Apart from Himesh, the songs are also sung by Shreya Ghoshal. Also featuring Sunny Leone, the film hits theatres on Feb 7th.
About the movie
Directed by Keith Gomes, the film is a spin-off to the 2014 film The Xpose, with Himesh Reshammiya in the titular role. The film also features Prabhu Deva, Kirti Kulhari, Sonia Kapoor, Saurabh Sachdeva, Sanjay Mishra and Johnny Lever in crucial roles. Additionally, Himesh Reshammiya composed the music and background score for the movie. With memorable characters and thrilling moments, Badass Ravi Kumar promises to be a blockbuster. According to IMDb’s list based on real-time popularity, Badass Ravi Kumar has emerged as the most-anticipated film of 2025